Justin Franks

Social+Civic Entrepreneur

Software Engineer

Cooperative Advocate

Justin Franks

Social+Civic Entrepreneur

Software Engineer

Cooperative Advocate


December 19, 2020 Understanding co-ops through analogies – Draft

Living in a Group House The experience of a house or community can change very quickly when people move out…

December 12, 2020 FWD: Choices on money: entrepreneurship and youth aspirations in Tanzania

“The general framework that informs youth entrepreneurship programs posits that the lack of capital, skills, business knowledge and poor policy…

November 1, 2020 Local Economy Preservation Funds: A Plan to Save Local Businesses and Create Broad Prosperity – Next City

Interesting concept – wondering how this could be part of the toolkit to introduce more competitive local alternatives back into…

November 1, 2020 Local Economy Preservation Funds: A Plan to Save Local Businesses and Create Broad Prosperity – Next City

Interesting concept – wondering how this could be part of the toolkit to introduce more competitive local alternatives back into…

October 31, 2020 The labor market doesn’t have a ‘skills gap’—it has an opportunity gap

“Instead of focusing on the skills gap, we argue that it’s time to focus on closing the opportunity gap—not only…

August 19, 2020 Cooperative Design: How Co-ops Center Their Members to Build Better Products, Faster

https://www.colorado.edu/lab/medlab/2020/07/15/cooperative-design-how-co-ops-center-their-members-build-better-products-faster “As we can see with Stocksy and Loomio, their future is enabled by embracing a more functional role for…