Justin Franks

Social+Civic Entrepreneur

Software Engineer

Cooperative Advocate

Justin Franks

Social+Civic Entrepreneur

Software Engineer

Cooperative Advocate

Blog Post

Delaware Electric Cooperative’s Performance Portal Brings System Awareness

July 29, 2020 Articles, Uncategorized


“Advanced metering infrastructure and other smart systems have dramatically increased the data available to cooperative managers, but without the structure that allows them to make sense of that data, to see what it reveals about their system, it has little value.” #dataviz #coopdev #bizdev #gocoop #systemsdesign

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Blog Post

Delaware Electric Cooperative’s Performance Portal Brings System Awareness


“Advanced metering infrastructure and other smart systems have dramatically increased the data available to cooperative managers, but without the structure that allows them to make sense of that data, to see what it reveals about their system, it has little value.” #dataviz #coopdev #bizdev #gocoop #systemsdesign

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