Justin Franks

Social+Civic Entrepreneur

Software Engineer

Cooperative Advocate

Justin Franks

Social+Civic Entrepreneur

Software Engineer

Cooperative Advocate

Tag: neweconomy

November 1, 2020 Local Economy Preservation Funds: A Plan to Save Local Businesses and Create Broad Prosperity – Next City

Interesting concept – wondering how this could be part of the toolkit to introduce more competitive local alternatives back into…

November 1, 2020 Local Economy Preservation Funds: A Plan to Save Local Businesses and Create Broad Prosperity – Next City

Interesting concept – wondering how this could be part of the toolkit to introduce more competitive local alternatives back into…

October 31, 2020 The labor market doesn’t have a ‘skills gap’—it has an opportunity gap

“Instead of focusing on the skills gap, we argue that it’s time to focus on closing the opportunity gap—not only…