Justin Franks

Social+Civic Entrepreneur

Software Engineer

Cooperative Advocate

Justin Franks

Social+Civic Entrepreneur

Software Engineer

Cooperative Advocate

Tag: Dynamic Governance

October 8, 2021 FWD: Episode 92: Niels ten Oever on Human Rights, Open Source, and Digital Infrastructure

“But, as open source developers know, the most central part in this are actually people.”

October 8, 2021 FWD: Episode 92: Niels ten Oever on Human Rights, Open Source, and Digital Infrastructure

“But, as open source developers know, the most central part in this are actually people.”

August 19, 2020 Cooperative Design: How Co-ops Center Their Members to Build Better Products, Faster

https://www.colorado.edu/lab/medlab/2020/07/15/cooperative-design-how-co-ops-center-their-members-build-better-products-faster “As we can see with Stocksy and Loomio, their future is enabled by embracing a more functional role for…

August 19, 2020 Cooperative Design: How Co-ops Center Their Members to Build Better Products, Faster

https://www.colorado.edu/lab/medlab/2020/07/15/cooperative-design-how-co-ops-center-their-members-build-better-products-faster “As we can see with Stocksy and Loomio, their future is enabled by embracing a more functional role for…