Justin Franks

Social+Civic Entrepreneur

Software Engineer

Cooperative Advocate

Justin Franks

Social+Civic Entrepreneur

Software Engineer

Cooperative Advocate

Blog Post

Local Economy Preservation Funds: A Plan to Save Local Businesses and Create Broad Prosperity – Next City

November 1, 2020 Articles

Interesting concept – wondering how this could be part of the toolkit to introduce more competitive local alternatives back into our monopolized market of internet platforms.

“…there may be a way to save local businesses at scale, while also creating a more equitable and democratic economy out of the ashes of the old. States and cities could establish public holding companies that invest and acquire an ownership interest in distressed businesses. These Local Economy Preservation Funds (#LEPF), as we have dubbed them, could then exit their investments in ways that build a more democratic economy when the recovery begins.”

#publicinterest #mutualfunds #neweconomy #stakeholdercapitalism #datasovereignty #cooperatives #peopleoverprofit #smallbusiness #publicprivatepartnerships #localeconomy #platformeconomy https://nextcity.org/daily/entry/local-economy-preservation-funds-plan-local-businesses-create-prosperity

Source: Local Economy Preservation Funds: A Plan to Save Local Businesses and Create Broad Prosperity – Next City

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Blog Post

Local Economy Preservation Funds: A Plan to Save Local Businesses and Create Broad Prosperity – Next City

Interesting concept – wondering how this could be part of the toolkit to introduce more competitive local alternatives back into our monopolized market of internet platforms.

“…there may be a way to save local businesses at scale, while also creating a more equitable and democratic economy out of the ashes of the old. States and cities could establish public holding companies that invest and acquire an ownership interest in distressed businesses. These Local Economy Preservation Funds (#LEPF), as we have dubbed them, could then exit their investments in ways that build a more democratic economy when the recovery begins.”

#publicinterest #mutualfunds #neweconomy #stakeholdercapitalism #datasovereignty #cooperatives #peopleoverprofit #smallbusiness #publicprivatepartnerships #localeconomy #platformeconomy https://nextcity.org/daily/entry/local-economy-preservation-funds-plan-local-businesses-create-prosperity

Source: Local Economy Preservation Funds: A Plan to Save Local Businesses and Create Broad Prosperity – Next City

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